HTTP API Conversation Client

class go_http.send.HttpApiSender(account_key, conversation_key, conversation_token, api_url=None, session=None)

A helper for sending text messages and firing metrics via Vumi Go’s HTTP API.

  • account_key (str) – The unique id of the account to send to. You can find this at the bottom of the Account > Details page in Vumi Go.
  • conversation_key (str) – The unique id of the conversation to send to. This is the UUID at the end of the conversation URL.
  • conversation_token (str) – The secret authentication token entered in the conversation config.
  • api_url (str) – The full URL of the HTTP API. Defaults to
  • session (requests.Session) – Requests session to use for HTTP requests. Defaults to a new session.
fire_metric(metric, value, agg='last')

Fire a value for a metric.

  • metric (str) – Name of the metric to fire.
  • value (float) – Value for the metric.
  • agg (str) – Aggregation type. Defaults to 'last'. Other allowed values are 'sum', 'avg', 'max' and 'min'.

Note that metrics can also be fired via the metrics API. See

send_text(to_addr, content, session_event=None)

Send a text message to an address.

  • to_addr (str) – Address to send to.
  • content (str) – Text to send.
  • session_event (str) – The session event for session-based messaging channels (e.g. USSD). May be one of ‘new’, ‘resume’ or ‘close’. Optional.
send_voice(to_addr, content, speech_url=None, wait_for=None, session_event=None)

Send a voice message to an address.

  • to_addr (str) – Address to send to.
  • content (str) – Text to send. If speech_url is not provided, a text-to-speech engine is used to generate a voice message from this text. If speech_url is provided, this text is ignored by voice messaging channels, but may still be used by non-voice channels that process the message.
  • speech_url (str) – A URL to a voice file containing the voice message to sent. If not given, a voice message is generated from content using a text-to-speech engine. Optional.
  • wait_for (str) – By default the Vumi voice connections send a response to a message as soon as a key is pressed by the person the call is with. The wait_for option allows specifying a character to wait for before a response is returned. For example, without wait_for pressing ‘123#’ on the phone would result in four response messages containing ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’ and ‘#’ respectively. If wait_for='#' was set, pressing ‘123#’ would result in a single response message containing ‘123’. Optional.
  • session_event (str) – The session event. May be one of ‘new’, ‘resume’ or ‘close’. ‘new’ initiates a new call. ‘resume’ continues an existing call. ‘close’ ends an existing call. The default of None is equivalent to ‘resume’.