Contacts API Client

class go_http.contacts.ContactsApiClient(auth_token, api_url=None, session=None)

Client for Vumi Go’s contacts API.

  • auth_token (str) – An OAuth 2 access token. NOTE: This will be replaced by a proper authentication system at some point.
  • api_url (str) – The full URL of the HTTP API. Defaults to
  • session (requests.Session) – Requests session to use for HTTP requests. Defaults to a new session.

Retrieve all contacts.

This uses the API’s paginated contact download.

Parameters:start_cursor – An optional parameter that declares the cursor to start fetching the contacts from.
Returns:An iterator over all contacts.

Create a contact.

Parameters:contact_data (dict) – Data for new contact.

Create a group.

Parameters:group_data (dict) – Data for new group.

Delete a contact.

Parameters:contact_key (str) – Key for the contact to delete.

Delete a group.

Parameters:group_key (str) – Key for the group to delete.
get_contact(*args, **kw)

Get a contact. May either be called as .get_contact(contact_key) to get a contact from its key, or .get_contact(field=value), to get the contact from an address field field having a value value.

Contact key example:
contact = api.get_contact(‘abcdef123456’)
Field/value example:
contact = api.get_contact(msisdn=’+12345’)
  • contact_key (str) – Key for the contact to get.
  • field (str) – field is the address field that is searched on (e.g. msisdn , twitter_handle). The value of field is the value to search for (e.g. +12345, @foobar`).

Get a group

Parameters:group_key (str) – Key for the group to get
group_contacts(group_key, start_cursor=None)

Retrieve all group contacts.

This uses the API’s paginated contact download.

  • group_key (str) – Key for the group to query.
  • start_cursor – An optional parameter that declares the cursor to start fetching the contacts from.

An iterator over all group contacts.

update_contact(contact_key, update_data)

Update a contact.

  • contact_key (str) – Key for the contact to update.
  • update_data (dict) – Fields to modify.
update_group(group_key, update_data)

Update a group.

  • group_key (str) – Key for the group to update.
  • update_data (str) – Fields to modify.